Wednesday, June 01, 2011

I was blessed with two sets of "words" today.

One set was actually a set of papers--Teacher of the Year nominations from anonymous students. The part that was so rewarding was that they felt that I respected and cared for them...and that I was willing to take time with anyone who didn't understand. That's the way I've looked at my career, but I'll be honest. There are days that I have to bite my tongue and kick my backside in order to not let the sarcasm--a terrible vice--bubble to the surface. I revert to sarcasm when I feel there's nothing positive that can be said, but I guess this stack of papers reveals to me that kids are watching, are getting something out of my class. I've vowed to reduce the sarcasm next year and to just do what God made me to do: reach and teach.

The other set of words today came in the form of an email. It's no secret to our friends that our lives our changing. Wayne is changing professions, and that has meant trying to cope with -- ahem--I mean, welcome-- other subsequent changes. This friend said exactly what I was feeling, what I was hoping someone would say. She was right--God's plans are perfect, but not painless.

At graduation on Sunday, I heard the quote attributed to Dr. Seuss: "Don't be sad it's over. Be glad it happened." I'm starting to view our changes in that light, but it's still hard.


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