Monday, December 31, 2012

What I Want to Be

A few weeks ago, Ryan told me that he knew what he wanted to be when he grew up.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A math teacher. I want to help like you do, but I don't want to teach reading like you. Because I don't like reading as much as math."

"Ryan, you really want to be a teacher? That's awesome! We always need to have good teachers. What grade?"

"Well, probably kindergarten because THAT math is really easy."

I had to smile. Ryan hears us talk with Kristen about college and career plans, and we have recently started talking with Nick about college preparation and what career aspirations he has.

Ryan just wanted in on it. :)

But that short conversation had me thinking a lot about what I want to be when I grow up. I'm nearly 46. I've taught for 23 1/2 years. Have I enjoyed it? Overall, a definite yes. Any career will have its challenges, but most days, I'm very happy that I became an educator.

However, many students could care less if I have material to impart or not. When I come across students who REALLY want to learn, who want to use AND DO use me as a resource for additional learning, I'm in heaven. I had the opportunity to help some teachers one-on-one in learning some new technology. They WANTED to learn. I had the best time feeling that I was using my full potential--I was giving what I had, and others were receiving and utilizing it.

Not too long after my conversation with Ryan, I asked God what He wanted me to be when I grew up. Yes, I know it sounds like maybe I'm a little late in asking that, but with Wayne making a career change to full time pastoral ministry, and accepting the reality that we might have to move at some point to follow that call, I decided it best to ask God the question. 

This is where another thread in my life converges: In every church we've attended, the question is always, "How do we get more young people and families to come?"  I've learned a lot through, social media, relationship-building, and even coffee 101. I've read several books--the most recent being THE MILLENNIALS by Thom and Jess Rainer. I've seen what growing churches are doing, and see what churches that aren't growing are doing...

...and I want to be someone who can help.

By using my education background, pursuing a master's in youth/family ministry (to begin this fall), and merging in all of the research and best practices of both schools and churches, I want to be someone who helps people grow, groups grow, and/or churches grow.

I shared this with a friend the other day. She told me that Wayne and I would pack a powerful punch with what we had to offer.  I pray that is the case.

Friday, December 28, 2012


Today I had lunch with a high school friend, Cheryl.

Two hours slipped away quickly as we caught up with each other...our kids' activities, our own jobs and futures, our parents and their health/dispositions. Our salads didn't last nearly as long as the conversation, and had we had more time, I think we could've sat there all day.

That's a true friend. Someone you can immediately pick up a conversation with, no matter how long it has been since the last conversation. Someone who listens and inquires but doesn't poke or prod too much. Someone who is open if you have something on your mind. Someone who willingly shares her own concerns and questions. Someone who doesn't laugh at what you now do, your new direction, your new ideas or inspirations.

Someone who says--with or without words--"I've been here and will continue to be here for you."

What a blessing to have people like this in our lives!