Friday, December 28, 2012


Today I had lunch with a high school friend, Cheryl.

Two hours slipped away quickly as we caught up with each other...our kids' activities, our own jobs and futures, our parents and their health/dispositions. Our salads didn't last nearly as long as the conversation, and had we had more time, I think we could've sat there all day.

That's a true friend. Someone you can immediately pick up a conversation with, no matter how long it has been since the last conversation. Someone who listens and inquires but doesn't poke or prod too much. Someone who is open if you have something on your mind. Someone who willingly shares her own concerns and questions. Someone who doesn't laugh at what you now do, your new direction, your new ideas or inspirations.

Someone who says--with or without words--"I've been here and will continue to be here for you."

What a blessing to have people like this in our lives!

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