Thursday, July 29, 2010

Can it REALLY be time for the school supplies to be on sale? Already?

I'm a proponent of school, but I'm also a proponent of rest. When it's time to work, work hard. When it's time to rest, enjoy it.

Where did the summer go? My kids were out for two weeks while my school finished up, and it's been insane ride ever since. Two grad classes. VBS. Vacation. A week of collapse. (I liked that week.) A week of lawn work, and a week of house work. Well, you can't tell now that I did those things, but I did. Band camp. State Fair. Glue sticks and 15 cent notebooks.

Which don't belong there?

I don't want to go gently into that good night...I want to resist the evils of back-to-school shopping. If I shop, it means I've been assimilated.

But, 15 cent notebooks? That's a hard deal to pass up...

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