Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Miles to go before I sleep..." words from Robert Frost...

I have thoroughly become addicted to walking this summer. I did a lot of it last summer, too, but I'm enjoying it more this summer. Maybe it's because I have two walking buddies, or maybe because I'm walking more in the coolness of the evening and the process is more invigorating.

Last summer I lost inches and about 15 pounds. This summer, well...suffice it to say that I don't think I've changed shape at all. BUT, the walking has churned up my endorphins, making me FEEL better. I've been keeping track on Dailymile.com...49 miles since July 1st (and that was with one week without walking).

Why do so many miles? Is it just fitness? No. No one but God and my gastrointestinal system knows the stress I'm under. I'm not saying that people wouldn't understand...I'm just saying that no one realizes the degree and the depth of my issues. I'm a good "stuffer." I'm a good actress most days. Yesterday I thought I was growing my first-ever ulcer.

But when I'm walking, it all goes away for a while. For a while I can focus on the road, or my walking partner's conversation, or the sky, or the innumerable bunnies we see. I enjoy the sweat beads forming on my upper lip (some sweat on the forehead, and others more at the pits...me? The upper lip!) and wiping them away...as if I'm wiping away my stress.

I'm not relying only on walking to help me, because that would be a losing battle. I go to scripture and to Christian music to soothe my soul in trying times. Isaiah 43:2-3 is my mantra right now. And music? "Revelation Song" by Phillips, Craig, and Dean. Different things speak to me at different times, and right now, these are the ones.

I'm praying that my walking partners and I can still find time to walk once school is back in session. :)


Jodi said...

I can always find time to walk (unless it's 100 degrees out). Just wait till the cool Autumn air moves in. It's when that comes around you can't get me to stop walking.

k. said...

I love fall and spring...I don't enjoy the extremes of summer and winter as well. I just want you to know, I'm going to hold you to this! We're going to be walking 3 miles every night, at least!