Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Okay, so I think it's kinda creepy to find out my own husband has been stalking my blog. I mean, we're married. He shouldn't be stalking my blog. He should be a "follower." Yeah, he should FOLLOW me. I like that idea. He told me, "I open. I read. I close. I move on." Gross. I feel so dirty and used. :)


Jodi said...

I guess you could call me a stalker to, haha! I read it, but have never taken the time to actually subscribe!!

Jodi said...

Oh, wait....i did subscribe. Why don't I get an email when a new post has been made. Now I must do some investigating to figure this out.

k. said...

You were my only follower for MONTHS, so you are NOT a stalker!