Sunday, October 02, 2011

As I reflected on my week, I realized that no fewer than seven friends are going through very overwhelming emotional/mental/or work-related situations. Not just, "Oh, I have all this paperwork to do" or "Gee, why doesn't my husband take out the garbage without being told" issues. The big issues.

You know when a person speaks and you hear that quiver in the voice,see the tear forming at the outside edge of the eye, and notice that the gaze is no longer on you but out the window? 

I saw that in 7 different friends this week. People talking about leaving teaching to find work elsewhere. People talking about pressure and stress that is unmanageable. People talking about needing medication to deal with blood pressure or anxiety. People having severe marital problems.  People in severe financial status.  People wondering if life is really worth living, or if this is all life has to offer.

After one text conversation last night, I asked God what I was supposed to do with this information. What's the appropriate response? How do you help people who are in such pain? Have so many questions?

I went to You Tube and watched Kari Jobe sing "Revelation Song." It never fails to usher me into God's presence (ha, whether I want to or not!). In listening to that song, I realized that worshiping God and allowing Him to BE GOD is the only response I have today.

Another song I watched on You Tube was "Blessed Be Your Name" by the David Crowder Band. The premise of the song is that no matter what--good, bad, and ugly--we'll trust God and praise Him.

It seems that in these middle aged days of mine,I'm realizing that this is all I can do.

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