Monday, October 03, 2011

Christian bookstores are full of all types of Bibles. Actually, so are Wayne's bookshelves... :)

My favorite translation has always been the NIV, but I do enjoy cross-referencing other versions or paraphrases to compare/contrast word choice and syntax. Ah, the English teacher in me comes out. (Yes, I even compare comma placement--it does make a difference sometimes!) However, there's one type of Bible that I've never owned--one with the words of Christ in red letters.

My parents owned one with red letters. As a kid, I just thought the printers were trying to make the Bible "pretty," but one time Mom explained that they wanted to make the words of Christ stand out, to make the reader realize the words were important.

Last night Wayne was listening to some prrreeetttttyyyy old Christian music classics. We're talking 70s here. Although he introduced me to the group Petra, the first Christian group that I really liked was DC Talk.  I got on YouTube and looked for some of my favorites, and I remembered their song "Red Letters" from their album Supernatural. One click transported me back to the early 90s, and I remembered all the words without even having to look at the lyrics appearing on the screen.

What do you find in the words of Christ? Just some obscure religious instructions that are of no real consequence?  Some nice ideas but nothing you really want to live your life by?

The chorus of the song talks about the red letters providing hope for the hopeless, peace and forgiveness, love, truth...

Christ is not about giving us information. He is about transforming us. Let the red letters transform you and give you peace today.

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