Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A friend of ours gave Ryan a Namco Pac-Man controller that plugs into the tv, and viola...Pac-Man games appear! What a hoot! It reminded me of the days of going to Pizza Hut on a weekend and playing a game or two of Pac-Man on a big console they had. Each game was a mere quarter.

The most interesting is Super Pac-Man, which I don't remember from my youth. What seems to make it different is that if Pac-Man eats a green icon (fruit, Ryan tells me), he triples in size and can gobble up more of what's in his path.

Wouldn't we all be super if we gobbled up God's word a little more, or a little more regularly?


Jodi said...

I'm so glad you guys are enjoying that! Chris played it for all of a couple weeks, then it sat on the shelf. It did bring back memories, though. We used to love going and playing Pac-man at the arcade!!!

k. said...

My favorite arcade game was Qbert. I LOVED IT. :)