Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I find it ironic that the more that we become connected to our electronic devices, the more isolated we become.

Sure, I get and return more messages, check the weather, check on the kids, spend time on Facebook "keeping up" with people and communicating information to relatives, friends, students, and church members. But where's the love? :) I mean, I learn more from a tone of voice, a subtle gesture, or even the flash or sparkle in someone's eyes. That's where the relationship -- the friendship -- is built. Although I can use all of these methods to communicate faster and more often, I'm not sure if these methods are actually better. A phone call might be a little better than the computer or texting, but I think that my husband said it best: "There's nothing like front porch sittin'." Let's grab some iced tea this spring/summer and encourage friendship and communication by sitting on our front porches!

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