Saturday, July 09, 2011

It's many times have you KNOWN you should do something but said you just didn't have the time? Was it really because you didn't have the time? Did you just not see it as a priority?

Of course, there's no reason for me to use second person. I've done it a million times, so I should have used first person.

Yesterday, Ryan told us he wanted a new bike. I told him that as soon as he learned to tie his own shoes that we would look for a bike. Part of Ryan's special needs makes small motor skills more difficult, and he has put this childhood task off saying "It's too hard." Picking and choosing my battles, I haven't pushed until now.

He tried to negotiate. Mom won. We would look for a bike when he could complete the task.

So do you know what that booger did? He scrunched up his face, worked as hard as he could, asked us to remind him of the steps...he was bound and determined to figure it out in 5 minutes. He did get partway through and teared up because he started having problems. He told me that he was mad, that he wasn't going to go to school, that he WAS going to school but Dad could tie his shoes everyday, and why did he have to learn THIS?

I'm confident that he'll have this down in a just a few days because now it's a priority. Now he wants to complete the task so that he can get a new bike. What is my priority? What have I put off because it was too hard? What did I ignore because it wasn't important to me at the time?

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