Sunday, July 31, 2011

I've been sharing some Bible study time this summer with a friend. At first, I was reluctant to make the commitment, but then I decided it was really something that I needed. Too often I'm asked--or I volunteer--to be the teacher. After several weeks of discussion, Bible reading, reflecting, and praying, I realize that it has been good for me to be the student.

Although our overall topic has been "peace," tonight I think we agreed what we're both working on in our lives: letting go of what we want or what we think is best and letting God be God.

That may sound easy to some people, but it's not for a recovering control freak.

Today at church we sang a song with the line, "May my lifesong sing to You" and it really choked me up. I really want my life to be in tune with God's plan, and I think I'm finally ready to accept what He has, even if I don't understand it all. And believe me, after being a Christian for the past 18 years, I do NOT have the answers. However, that acceptance, that willingness to allow God to work, is where peace can be found.

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