Saturday, August 20, 2011

Feeling a little weird. Off.

We were pretty much exhausted from Friday's college trek. Kristen was settled in under 2 hours. Her roommate is a sweetheart...we don't know about a third roommate yet, since the girl who was slated to be there decided not to attend. (The girls would like the extra space, but we doubt that they're going to get to keep it a double, so...)

I slept okay, but Kristen texted this morning to say that she didn't. How much of that was a twinge of homesickness, getting used to a new bed/environment, and/or the virus she's getting over is hard to tell. We got up, delivered Nick to band, readied Ryan for the day, attended a "welcome to the district" pastor family picnic and had a very nice time, drove through some torrential rain, took naps, woke up.

Still weird. Still off.

Nick met his girlfriend for supper, and we played with Ryan. I read a few chapters in a book. Did some laundry and dishes. Wayne commented that he didn't realize how much stuff in the house was Kristen's!

Right now I realize that Kristen, though a fantastic help to me from chauffeuring to cooking, adds a lot of fun to the house. I had just commented the other day that I didn't know when she developed the ability to do voices, accents, and impressions, but she has a personality that lights up a room.

We took pictures around campus so Ryan could look at them and see where Kristen is. He's still a bit confused as to why she doesn't come home at night to sleep in her room, but seeing a picture of her in her bunkbed made him smile.

Kristen texted me not too long ago. Already hanging with new friends at another dorm :) Ah, I remember those days. Wouldn't trade them for the world...and she won't, either.

So, for the next month, it's Mom vs. Men. Pray for me. :)

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