Thursday, August 04, 2011

Have you ever composed an entire email-- a long one--only to accidentally press some stray button and lose the entire message?

That has happened to me on several occasions. The first time it happened, I was furious and tried to re-compose the message. However, I was so upset at the time that was wasted, I just quit.

Every time I've lost a message, I've been overly emotional--usually mad. I don't like the physical act of writing, but boy, I can sure type fast.

I wondered once, "Is God trying to send me a message? As in...don't send this message now?" This might not be good theology, but it kept me from being angry..and it kept me from typing more emotional emails.

SOOOOO, when I worked on my English 9 curriculum late last night and finished quarters 3 and 4, I saved quarter 3 and then worked on that same document, changing what needed changing for quarter 4...but I did not "save as" quarter 4. I saved quarter 4 as 3 and lost 3. I was furious and then depressed...that was a lot of work time wasted.

Can I tell the State of Indiana that I can't teach all that stuff in quarter 3 because I lost it? Maybe there was something about it (Shakespeare, Sophocles, and Homer) that God didn't like? :)

Maybe I am just too tired and hot to think straight?

I'm just being facetious, but I'm not going to re-work anything until next week.

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