Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I've been told that allergens/pollens actually have a "stickery" appearance. The allergen gets into the nasal passage and gets "stuck," causing much irritation.

I don't really know if all that is accurate, but I do know that my ragweed allergy has been particular tenacious already.

I imagine that there are millions of these stickery-looking microorganisms stuck in my nose, my throat, my ears, my eyes. Hand me more Zyrtec, please. I will do just about anything in my power to get rid of the irritation--OTC medication, eye drops, natural supplements, roll Qtips in my ears to itch inside...Sometimes all I can think about is the swollen feel of my eyes or the intense need to rub my nose.

There's been a lot of other irritation in my life. I'm going to have to be equally tenacious in ridding my thoughts of the negative "stickery" feelings that just want to ...well...stick in my heart and mind. And that's definitely not very easy most of the time.

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