Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today we're getting Kristen ready for college. I mean, REALLY ready this time. Today we start the packing process.

The other "readies" have been...purchasing the technology that she needs, purchasing bedding that I guess fits only college dorm beds, figuring out how to order textbooks, having final discussions with the accounting office, and figuring out what is going and what is staying.

What I'm not ready for...Kristen being somewhere else most of the year.

I'm thankful for texting, emailing, and Skype!

Ryan asked her the other night, "What IS college, anyway?" She told him.

He said, "Well, why do you have to do THAT?"

This time of year, it's all about being ready. New school supplies, new gym shoes, lunch money. My readiness plans this fall will involve leaning more on God...and that Kristen will be doing the same.

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