Thursday, August 25, 2011

As I was driving to school today, I asked God why I've continued to struggle on and off the past few months in trusting Him. I mean, He knows it, so I said it: I'm getting tired of trusting. I just want You to fix our lives. (sooner rather than later would be a plus.)

It dawned on me, though. What real struggles have I had to deal with in my life? Honestly, not that much. I've been blessed beyond measure. The things I used to think were major obstacles/struggles, weren't that big of a deal...really.

To survive, I have to look for the positives wherever I can find them. The coolness of the day, the smile of a student, something broken...fixed, technology that allows me to see and talk to Kristen whenever I want, a flavorful peach.

Did I used to think such basics were blessings? If I didn't, I have been lately.

I feel that I'm living blessing to blessing (like paycheck to paycheck?). When I recognize a blessing, I try to really appreciate it as long as possible because something or someone will come along to try to ruin my mindset.


Vicwyn said...

So very well put and YES we could have been HS friends, but now I KNOW we are. :)

k. said...

Sometime you and I need to have lunch and get to know each other even better. :)

Vicwyn said...