Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Yesterday I found out that our good friend lost his job. Let's just say that this wasn't his idea, nor was it good timing.

I felt so bad for his wife. All I kept thinking and praying was that they would have peace of mind through the whole situation. I know when we were going through this a few months ago that it was only the power of prayer that kept me sane. There wasn't much more I could offer, but I wanted to be there, even if just to sit with them and let them talk.

I remember people just letting me blab on and on--day, night--it didn't matter to my friends. So, I managed to convince her to let me drop by and sit on the back porch with her. She said, "I probably won't be very good company."

I told her, "We're not company. We're friends."

She talked. She teared up. She did all the things that I did. And it ripped up my heart. Again.


Jodi said...

Thanks so much for sitting with me! I kept telling Chris I didn't want to see anyone last night...but, after you left I realized how much better I felt by you just coming over and sitting with me.

We will get through this. I had a slight melt-down yesterday, but today...lots of prayer, lots of reflecting.....we will get through this. God has a plan...not sure yet what, but I know I will find it out eventually.

SusanU said...

I heartily believe in being there for friends, and accepting their friendship and help when I need them. But, I am frustrated with a friend of mine who refuses to let me help him during his crisis. He won't let anyone help him. As God leads you, pray for this situation please. God created us to live in community with each other so it frustrates me to see him go through problems alone, needlessly.